We've Come A Long Way
We have made significant progress and identified scalable solutions, but we still have a long way to go.
Now we need public investment to achieve a child care system that works for all Vermont families.
When we are successful in our mission:
- Access: 100% of Vermont families with children ages birth to five have access to regulated early care and learning opportunities that meet their needs
- High-Quality: 100% of children are in programs led by skilled early educators who are prepared for and well-compensated for their essential work
- Affordability: 100% of families who need it spend no more than 10% of their household income on child care
We are accomplishing our mission by:
- Engaging and empowering people to call for change;
- Reforming early childhood education policy to be inclusive, race-conscious, and culturally informed; and
- Implementing program solutions in partnership with early childhood educators to prepare Vermont’s child care system for increased public investment.
What We've Accomplished
With your support, we are building an equitable and sustainable child care system for Vermont. As you know, our shared work is more important than ever. Child care is essential, and your support ensures that every Vermont child will have high-quality, affordable child care by 2025.
Through your actions, donations, and just by staying informed, we’ve accomplished a lot:

View and Download PDFs of our latest impact reports and updates, as well as impact highlights in each county:

Stalled at the Start is an assessment of child care access in Vermont conducted every two years. You can read the full report here.
All gifts to Let's Grow Kids are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of U.S. law.
See our Financials for more details.

“We believe in Let’s Grow Kids’ ability to succeed not only in Vermont, but to develop a national model.”
CHRISTINE STILLER | President, Stiller Family Foundation