The Vermont Primary is Tuesday, August 9th!
Get hyped! Elections are your chance to make your voice heard! We wanted to take a moment to talk about why this election is so critical for Vermont’s future.
This election is a huge opportunity to elect child care champions. Vermonters can’t afford these unbelievably high child care costs and our early childhood educators should be better compensated for their amazing work. It’s more important than ever that we ensure every Vermont candidate understands that child care is essential and must be a top priority.
That’s why we’ve laid out 3 easy steps for supporters to take to make sure you have an impact during these elections.
Step 1 - Make sure you have a plan to vote! You can vote by mail, early in-person any time your town or city office is open for business or on Election Day at your polling location. Use Vermont’s My Voter Page portal to check your voter registration status, absentee ballot status, poll location, and more.

Step 2 - Use our candidate contact tool to quickly email your candidates ahead of the primary and ask about their plans to address the child care crisis >>> With our ultra-easy tool, you can quickly look up your local and statewide candidates and send them each a short email asking how they plan to solve the child care crisis – all in less than 3 minutes!

Step 3 - When you go vote, wear your Lets’ Grow Kids swag, take a picture and send it to us so we can share on social media! Submit your photos to

If you’re with us, and the 90% of Vermonters who agree that child care is essential, take these easy action steps today!